Monthly Archive: March, 2013

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The Do Not Enter Diaries: Natasha S.

DNED: Natasha S. from The Do Not Enter Diaries on Vimeo. Whether it’s dressing more like a teacher than her actual teachers or having eyebrows which her family says resembles Frida Kahlo’s, everything… Continue reading


The Do Not Enter Diaries: Langston S.

DNED: Langston S. from The Do Not Enter Diaries on Vimeo. It’s not every day you meet a teenager who was born in their bedroom. And while were not exactly sure what this… Continue reading

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DNED x HelloGiggles: Ruby K.

DNED: Ruby K. from The Do Not Enter Diaries on Vimeo. Although Ruby so far is the youngest teen we’ve filmed to date, she is also one of the most prolific. Only just… Continue reading

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The Do Not Enter Diaries: Daisy S.

DNED: Daisy S. from The Do Not Enter Diaries on Vimeo. Evident in the way she decorates, Daisy is not “Just A Girl.” She is a really cool girl.  And while Daisy may… Continue reading