Photo by Melkorka Tomasdottir

There are two primary ways to become a part of The Do Not Enter Diaries™.

Apply to be a Do Not Enter Diaries™ teen subject: If you are chosen as a subject, we will film and interview you in your bedroom. Topics range from design choices to more personal topics such as family or school; however, we mold our questions to each person. You can fill out the application to become our next subject .

Apply to The Do Not Enter Diaries™ Correspondent’s CornerWhile we would like to be able to travel all over the world to film every teenager and their room, this is not economically or geographically feasible, especially in our early stages. Correspondent’s Corner is for teenagers with a strong interest in film to help us reach teens in areas to which we cannot travel. Correspondents are responsible for cultivating a unique group of teenagers whom they know, filming them in our style, and sending us the footage to edit as we see fit. If we are interested in having you sign on with us after you apply, we will send you specific guidelines on how to film your teen subjects. You can fill out the application to become a correspondent 

Starting April 1st, 2013, every Monday at 4PM EST (in addition to our Wednesdays which we save for videos we have filmed ourselves), The Do Not Enter Diaries premieres a new international teen correspondent or one of the subjects they’ve filmed.