Tag Archive: languages

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The Do Not Enter Diaries: Melkorka T.

DNED: Melkorka T. from The Do Not Enter Diaries on Vimeo. “I decorate my room a lot to remember things,” Melkorka says. That becomes clear when you see all of her to-do lists… Continue reading

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The Do Not Enter Diaries: Ethan Z.

DNED: Ethan Z. from The Do Not Enter Diaries on Vimeo. Spend time in Ethan’s chill-pad and you’ll learn that meaning constructs his wall of trophies and Kid Robot collectibles. A piece of… Continue reading

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The Do Not Enter Diaries: Dylan O.

DNED: Dylan O. from The Do Not Enter Diaries on Vimeo. From the mix of Arabic and Japanese he hears at home, to languages he learns in and outside of school, from an… Continue reading