Emily Cohn – Co-Founder, Videographer, Editor
Emily enjoys anything with Tina Fey, her two Bengal cats, editing footage, and reading on her tree-house-like windowsill. She aspires to become fluent in French and to eventually overcome her fear of elevators. Tweet her .


Emma Orlow – Co-Founder, Interviewer, Website Director
When she isn’t running The Do Not Enter Diaries website, Emma  makes art, writes The Emma Edition, and contributes to various style sites and magazines. Born and raised in New York City, she is currently 17 years-old and is scared of (loves) garden gnomes. Tweet her .


Melkorka Tomasdottir- Staff Photographer

Melkorka is a 17 year-old photographer from Iceland. She loves diet coke, writing lists, and daydreams of sharing a milkshake with a boy. She’ll be taking  photos for some projects that are affiliated with The Do Not Enter Diaries. Tweet her


Georgia Rippin– New Zealand Correspondent

Georgia has a penchant for faux fur tails and filling up large paper bags of pick and mix to eat in one go. Georgia also writes for her blog, attempts screen play conception, and scopes out New Zealand’s cool cats for The Do Not Enter Diaries. Her next birthday wish is to be Wes Anderson’s latest female protagonist.


Leyla Godfrey- Toronto Correspondent

Leyla loves anything analogue, her pet rabbit, and Kurt Vonnegut short stories. When she’s not working at the toy store down her street you can find her taking photos as she rides her longboard, baking vegan treats, and hanging out with friends. She’s 17 years-old and wants to take a gap year backpacking around the world next year.


Madeline Friedman- Atlanta, GA Correspondent 

As well as being a correspondent for The Do Not Enter Diaries, Madeline spends time making zines to sell at her local record store, taking selfies with her dog, and sending lavish Christmas presents to Sufjan Stevens. She is 15 years-old and aspires to find the perfect popcorn popping time. Holla at her:

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Victoria Uren- Beijing Correspondent

Victoria is a seventeen year-old half-Chinese, half-Australian living in Beijing, China. She is an aspiring writer/philosopher/film director/humanitarian/intersectional-feminist, who spends her spare time doing really productive things – like taking photos or digging through .  You can tweet her (although she can’t promise she’ll reply – sifting through all those boyfriend applications is a really time-consuming process, you know).


Tessa Ehrman- Conroe, TX Correspondent

For the Do Not Enter Diaries, Tessa films teens living in Texas. People have said that she is addicted to thrift shopping, crafts, organic food, old music, and retro clothing, which her blog can prove. Tweet her . 


Amelie Gerin- Montreal Correspondent

A 17 year-old introvert, Amelie’s goal in life is to help others. She likes to watch documentaries, talk to an imaginary audience in her room, and write her blog. One of her biggest accomplishments is finding a dress similar to Iona’s prom gown in “Pretty in Pink” for only $10. 

photoJanina Malapitan- Los Angeles, CA Correspondent

Half of Janina’s life is spent trying to decide which she prefers more: The Daily Show or The Colbert Report. The other half is spent drawing comics, writing flash fiction, making music, reading, and obsessing over documenting her teenage life ; the last of these halves, however, doesn’t really pay attention in math class.


Anna Morris- Oakland, CA Correspondent

Anna is a 14 yr-old feminist, filmmaker, photographer, and a tea-enthusiast. She spends most of her time singing and collaging. She also enjoys watching musicals and eating mint chip ice cream. You can tweet her at if you’d like to.

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Nastaran Alaghmandan Motlagh- Bratislava, Slovakia Correspondent

Nastaran is a 17 year-old, Iranian high school student, currently living in Bratislava, Slovakia. She is interested in pursuing a career in film and diplomacy. You can call her Nasi.


Charlotte Strange and Luci Berlin- Portland, OR Correspondent Team

Charlotte and Luci met the summer before their first year in high school, forming a friendship that blossomed increasingly with each hour they spent in the furniture section of their local grocery store waiting for film to be developed. They have joined forces to be joint correspondents based in their home of Portland, OR. You can tweet Charlotte and Luci


Joanna DiBiase- Washington, DC Correspondent

Joanna is a 16-year-old procrastinator from Washington D.C. In her free time she plays ukulele, argues with her cat, and hot glues useless crafts. If she could subsist on only guacamole she would. Stalk her on if you like.