Since we started filming The Do Not Enter Diaries™  we’ve received the following questions frequently. Have other questions? Email us at .

 I want to be featured on The Do Not Enter Diaries™, but I’m worried you’ll think my room is too boring. What can I do?
To us, there’s no such thing as a teenage bedroom that is too boring/messy/small/shared, etc. We’re looking to show the diversity of the teenage bedroom, and have filmed diaries ranging from a teen whose room is all-white and tidy to one whose bedroom floor is basically their hamper. We’ve filmed rooms that are in extremely tiny apartments to those that are in huge homes. We believe that every room can unlock a part of us—even if your parents were the ones to decide the choices in your room, it tells a unique story.

Do you only film your friends?

Although we go through a screening process with our applicants, any teenager can apply to be either our next teen subject that we ourselves film or apply to take on a role in our Correspondent’s Corner. When filming on our own, we often stay more local, because its more feasible, but we have correspondents from all over the world who send us footage of their rooms and their friends’. Learn more about these options here.

Do I need to have permission to participate in the project?
YES. Because our diary subjects are teenagers, for those under 18 years of age, we need the parental or legal guardian permission. If we are interested, we will send you a release form after we review your application.

If I get filmed, will you pay me? 
No, no compensation is provided for participation in The Do Not Enter Diaries™. As of now, The Do Not Enter Diaries™ is funded solely by the co-founders, Emily Cohn and Emma Orlow, so it wouldn’t be economically feasible. You can learn more about this here.

I am worried about having you film my bedroom for internet safety reasons.

Although we will need your address to come film you, absolutely no information about the location of where you live (with the exception of your city name for tagging purposes on our site) will be released on The Do Not Enter Diaries™ or any other future collaborators that we engage with. Likewise, when posting our bedroom diaries we will only use your first name and last initial to keep you as safe as possible. That being said, we ask teens if they would like us to include any relevant social media links to their video, but that is by each teen’s choice and isn’t required at all.

I want to work for The Do Not Enter Diaries!

Perfect! We are

I want to feature The Do Not Enter Diaries™ on my website/blog/magazine. Whom should I contact?

Thank you for your interest! Please contact and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

I want to partner with The Do Not Enter Diaries™ or advertise on donotenterdiaries.com; are you interested?

For any advertising or partnership inquiries please contact .