Correspondent’s Corner: Luci Berlin and Charlotte Strange

Correspondent’s Corner is a column on The Do Not Enter Diaries, where teens from around the globe give us a tour of their bedroom by filming themselves and their friends, following our filming criteria. Correspondent’s Corner premieres every Monday at 4PM EST.

Correspondent’s Corner: Luci & Charlotte from The Do Not Enter Diaries on Vimeo.

We are proud to present our first correspondent team for the Do Not Enter Diaries–Luci and Charlotte, two best friends from Portland, Oregon who will be filming subjects together for us to share on the site. The duo often find themselves daydreaming in class as to what their fellow classmates’ bedrooms look like. It’s like a window into someone’s head. Luci says, “For some (like me), the walls are cakes, whose layers are made of posters and magazine clippings and photographs from past ages and years, the floor a memory foam ground of dance routines and angry stomps.” Portland holds a plethora of intriguing people, and that can only mean good things in terms of their bedrooms. We can’t wait for them to explore the world of rooms in their town more to share on The Do Not Enter Diaries.

To stay updated on Correspondent’s Corner, click the map on our side bar.

This video’s music is credited to “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend” by Discovery. Available on iTunes.