Correspondent’s Corner: Lindsay R.

The following bedroom diary is a subject that was selected and filmed by our Texas correspondent, Tessa Ehrman. To watch more of  Tessa’s subjects on The Do Not Enter Diaries, click here.

Correspondent’s Corner: Lindsay R. from The Do Not Enter Diaries on Vimeo.

Lindsay used to share her room with her brother, causing her to always feel like her space was being invaded– whenever he’d have friends over, which was often, they’d have to go through her area in order to get to the bathroom. One day, she packed up her things and took over the guest room where she now resides. Lindsay, a 19 year-old with an electrifying personality and green hair to match, has since filled the space with action figures, CDs, posters of wonder woman, recycling and much more. Her room is all about comfort and creativity and where she always is brainstorming up something new. She has a collection of post-its tacked to her wall with story ideas, Ziploc bags holding curated items for themed-collages, her reinvention painting of The Last Supper featuring Groucho Marx and Abraham Lincoln, as well as one of her most ingenious creations—an ongoing list of hard candies named after famous directors. Get to know Lindsay and her room above…. we highly suggest it!

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This video’s music is credited to “No Waves” FIDLAR. Available on iTunes